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This software is provided as supplementary material for the publication, "Statistical Deconvolution for Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy," by Eran A. Mukamel, Hazen Babcock and Xiaowei Zhuang, Biophysical Journal (2012). Please see the paper for a full explanation of the method. |
demo_deconSTORM_microtubules | Demo script for deconSTORM, using example fluorescence data from imaging microtubules. |
demo_deconSTORM_simulatedarrow | Demo script for deconSTORM, using simulated fluorescence data. |
deconSTORM_Conv | [sample_est_mean, sample_est_frames, sample_est_hist, saved_iterations] = |
deconSTORM_Matrix | [sample_est_mean, sample_est_frames, sample_est_hist, saved_iterations] = |
deconSTORM_prepareAPSF | APSF = deconSTORM_prepareAPSF(sigma,Npixels,npixels) |
deconSTORM_preparePSF | PSF = deconSTORM_preparePSF(sigma,Npixels,npixels) |
contact: eran at post dot harvard dot edu
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